During Worship Children’s Ministries

Nursery – The nursery is available for children 6 weeks to four years old. The nursery is divided into two rooms, one for infants and one for toddlers/preschoolers. This ensures the safety of the children present in the nursery. While the children are present, a minimum of two teachers must also be present.

Junior Church – Junior Church is available to children five years old to eight years old. Children can go to junior church after the opening of the worship service. While the children are present, a minimum of two teachers must also be present.

Children’s Message – After the opening of our weekly worship service the children will be offered a short message prior to the sermon. Children can be brought from the nursery to listen to this message. After the children’s message is over, the children can return to the nursery and go to junior church.

Trinity Totes – Trinity Totes are available to for children up to 12 years of age. These totes include stories, coloring books, crayons, and other activities and materials for any children wishing to stay in the sanctuary during the worship service.


Welcome to Trinity United Methodist Church in Seymour, Indiana. We pray that you use this website to learn more about our ministries and opportunities to serve God and our community.